264 research outputs found

    Nanoparticles-cell association predicted by protein corona fingerprints

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    In a physiological environment (e.g., blood and interstitial fluids) nanoparticles (NPs) will bind proteins shaping a "protein corona" layer. The long-lived protein layer tightly bound to the NP surface is referred to as the hard corona (HC) and encodes information that controls NP bioactivity (e.g. cellular association, cellular signaling pathways, biodistribution, and toxicity). Decrypting this complex code has become a priority to predict the NP biological outcomes. Here, we use a library of 16 lipid NPs of varying size (Ø ≈ 100-250 nm) and surface chemistry (unmodified and PEGylated) to investigate the relationships between NP physicochemical properties (nanoparticle size, aggregation state and surface charge), protein corona fingerprints (PCFs), and NP-cell association. We found out that none of the NPs' physicochemical properties alone was exclusively able to account for association with human cervical cancer cell line (HeLa). For the entire library of NPs, a total of 436 distinct serum proteins were detected. We developed a predictive-validation modeling that provides a means of assessing the relative significance of the identified corona proteins. Interestingly, a minor fraction of the HC, which consists of only 8 PCFs were identified as main promoters of NP association with HeLa cells. Remarkably, identified PCFs have several receptors with high level of expression on the plasma membrane of HeLa cells

    Nanoparticles-cell association predicted by protein corona fingerprints

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    In a physiological environment (e.g., blood and interstitial fluids) nanoparticles (NPs) will bind proteins shaping a "protein corona" layer. The long-lived protein layer tightly bound to the NP surface is referred to as the hard corona (HC) and encodes information that controls NP bioactivity (e.g. cellular association, cellular signaling pathways, biodistribution, and toxicity). Decrypting this complex code has become a priority to predict the NP biological outcomes. Here, we use a library of 16 lipid NPs of varying size (Ø ≈ 100-250 nm) and surface chemistry (unmodified and PEGylated) to investigate the relationships between NP physicochemical properties (nanoparticle size, aggregation state and surface charge), protein corona fingerprints (PCFs), and NP-cell association. We found out that none of the NPs' physicochemical properties alone was exclusively able to account for association with human cervical cancer cell line (HeLa). For the entire library of NPs, a total of 436 distinct serum proteins were detected. We developed a predictive-validation modeling that provides a means of assessing the relative significance of the identified corona proteins. Interestingly, a minor fraction of the HC, which consists of only 8 PCFs were identified as main promoters of NP association with HeLa cells. Remarkably, identified PCFs have several receptors with high level of expression on the plasma membrane of HeLa cells

    The influence of protein corona on Graphene Oxide: implications for biomedical theranostics

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    : Graphene-based nanomaterials have attracted significant attention in the field of nanomedicine due to their unique atomic arrangement which allows for manifold applications. However, their inherent high hydrophobicity poses challenges in biological systems, thereby limiting their usage in biomedical areas. To address this limitation, one approach involves introducing oxygen functional groups on graphene surfaces, resulting in the formation of graphene oxide (GO). This modification enables improved dispersion, enhanced stability, reduced toxicity, and tunable surface properties. In this review, we aim to explore the interactions between GO and the biological fluids in the context of theranostics, shedding light on the formation of the "protein corona" (PC) i.e., the protein-enriched layer that formed around nanosystems when exposed to blood. The presence of the PC alters the surface properties and biological identity of GO, thus influencing its behavior and performance in various applications. By investigating this phenomenon, we gain insights into the bio-nano interactions that occur and their biological implications for different intents such as nucleic acid and drug delivery, active cell targeting, and modulation of cell signalling pathways. Additionally, we discuss diagnostic applications utilizing biocoronated GO and personalized PC analysis, with a particular focus on the detection of cancer biomarkers. By exploring these cutting-edge advancements, this comprehensive review provides valuable insights into the rapidly evolving field of GO-based nanomedicine for theranostic applications

    Protein corona-enabled serological tests for early stage cancer detection

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    Abstract Early stage cancer detection is a major issue in current medicine. In recent years, nanotechnology is providing new alternatives for early diagnosis. Upon exposure to human plasma, several nanoparticle types (e.g. gold nanoparticles) are surrounded by a protein layer referred to as protein corona (PC). The PC changes the original identity of the nanoparticle conferring a new biological character. It is now accepted that slight variations in the composition of a protein source significantly varies the PC composition. Thus, nanomaterials incubated with plasma proteins of individuals with different physiological conditions generate PCs with different compositions. This gives rise to the new concept of personalised PC. Therefore, since protein patterns of subjects affected by certain pathologies differ from those of healthy ones, diagnostic technologies based on the evaluation of personalised PC could represent a fascinating opportunity for early disease detection. Herein, we review the concept of personalised PC along with recent advances on the topic, giving an overview of some innovative analytical approaches for early stage cancer detection

    Probing the role of nuclear-envelope invaginations in the nuclear-entry route of lipofected DNA by multi-channel 3D confocal microscopy.

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    Nuclear breakdown was found to be the dominant route for DNA entry into the nucleus in actively dividing cells. The possibility that alternative routes contribute to DNA entry into the nucleus, however, cannot be ruled out. Here we address the process of lipofection by monitoring the localization of fluorescently-labelled DNA plasmids at the single-cell level by confocal imaging in living interphase cells. As test formulation we choose the cationic 3β-[N-(N,N-dimethylaminoethane)-carbamoyl] cholesterol (DC-Chol) and the zwitterionic helper lipid dioleoylphosphatidylethanolamine (DOPE) with plasmidic DNA pre-condensed by means of protamine. By exploiting the spectral shift of the fluorescent dye FM4-64 (N-(3-triethylammoniumpropyl)-4-(p-diethylaminophenylhexatrienyl)-pyridinium 2Br) we monitor the position of the nuclear envelope (NE), while concomitantly imaging the whole nucleus (by Hoechst) and the DNA (by Cy3 fluorophore) in a multi-channel 3D confocal imaging experiment. Reported results show that DNA clusters are typically associated with the NE membrane in the form of tubular invaginations spanning the nuclear environment, but not completely trapped within the NE invaginations, i.e. the DNA may use these NE regions as entry-points towards the nucleus. These observations pave the way to investigating the molecular details of the postulated processes for a better exploitation of gene-delivery vectors, particularly for applications in non-dividing cells

    Insulin secretory granules labelled with phogrin-fluorescent proteins show alterations in size, mobility and responsiveness to glucose stimulation in living β-cells

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    The intracellular life of insulin secretory granules (ISGs) from biogenesis to secretion depends on their structural (e.g. size) and dynamic (e.g. diffusivity, mode of motion) properties. Thus, it would be useful to have rapid and robust measurements of such parameters in living β-cells. To provide such measurements, we have developed a fast spatiotemporal fluctuation spectroscopy. We calculate an imaging-derived Mean Squared Displacement (iMSD), which simultaneously provides the size, average diffusivity, and anomalous coefficient of ISGs, without the need to extract individual trajectories. Clustering of structural and dynamic quantities in a multidimensional parametric space defines the ISGs’ properties for different conditions. First, we create a reference using INS-1E cells expressing proinsulin fused to a fluorescent protein (FP) under basal culture conditions and validate our analysis by testing well-established stimuli, such as glucose intake, cytoskeleton disruption, or cholesterol overload. After, we investigate the effect of FP-tagged ISG protein markers on the structural and dynamic properties of the granule. While iMSD analysis produces similar results for most of the lumenal markers, the transmembrane marker phogrin-FP shows a clearly altered result. Phogrin overexpression induces a substantial granule enlargement and higher mobility, together with a partial de-polymerization of the actin cytoskeleton, and reduced cell responsiveness to glucose stimulation. Our data suggest a more careful interpretation of many previous ISG-based reports in living β-cells. The presented data pave the way to high-throughput cell-based screening of ISG structure and dynamics under various physiological and pathological conditions

    Mechanistic insights into the release of doxorubicin from graphene oxide in cancer cells

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    Liposomal doxorubicin (L-DOX) is a popular drug formulation for the treatment of several cancer types (e.g., recurrent ovarian cancer, metastatic breast cancer, multiple myeloma, etc.), but poor nuclear internalization has hampered its clinical applicability so far. Therefore, novel drug-delivery nanosystems are actively researched in cancer chemotherapy. Here we demonstrate that DOX-loaded graphene oxide (GO), GO-DOX, exhibits much higher anticancer efficacy as compared to its L-DOX counterpart if administered to cellular models of breast cancer. Then, by a combination of live-cell confocal imaging and fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM), we suggest that GO-DOX may realize its superior performances by inducing massive intracellular DOX release (and its subsequent nuclear accumulation) upon binding to the cell plasma membrane. Reported results lay the foundation for future exploitation of these new adducts as high-performance nanochemotherapeutic agents

    The possible role of sex as an important factor in development and administration of lipid nanomedicine-based COVID-19 vaccine

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    Nanomedicine has demonstrated a substantial role in vaccine development against severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19). Although nanomedicine-based vaccines have now been validated in millions of individuals worldwide in phase 4 and tracking of sex-disaggregated data on COVID-19 is ongoing, immune responses that underlie COVID-19 disease outcomes have not been clarified yet. A full understanding of sex-role effects on the response to nanomedicine products is essential to building an effective and unbiased response to the pandemic. Here, we exposed model lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) to whole blood of 18 healthy donors (10 females and 8 males) and used flow cytometry to measure cellular uptake by circulating leukocytes. Our results demonstrated significant differences in the uptake of LNP between male and female natural killer (NK) cells. The results of this proof-of-concept study show the importance of recipient sex as a critical factor which enables researchers to better consider sex in the development and administration of vaccines for safer and more-efficient sex-specific outcomes

    Artificial Protein Coronas Enable Controlled Interaction with Corneal Epithelial Cells: New Opportunities for Ocular Drug Delivery

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    Topical administration is the most convenient route for ocular drug delivery, but only a minor fraction is retained in the precorneal pocket. To overcome this limitation, numerous drug delivery systems (DDS) have been developed. The protein corona (PC) is the layer of biomolecules (e.g., proteins, sugars, lipids, etc.) that forms around DDS in physiological environments by non-covalent interaction. The PC changes the DDS physical–chemical properties, providing them with a completely novel biological identity. The specific involvement of PC in ocular drug delivery has not been addressed so far. To fulfill this gap, here we explored the interaction between a library of four cationic liposome-DNA complexes (lipoplexes) and mucin (MUC), one of the main components of the tear film. We demonstrate that MUC binds to the lipoplex surface shifting both their size and surface charge and reducing their absorption by primary corneal epithelial cells. To surpass such restrictions, we coated lipoplexes with two different artificial PCs made of Fibronectin (FBN) and Val-Gly-Asp (VGA) tripeptide that are recognized by receptors expressed on the ocular surface. Both these functionalizations remarkedly boosted internalization in corneal epithelial cells with respect to pristine (i.e., uncoated) lipoplexes. This opens the gateway for the exploitation of artificial protein corona in targeted ocular delivery, which will significantly influence the development of novel nanomaterials

    Inhibiting the growth of 3D brain cancer models with bio-coronated liposomal temozolomide

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    Nanoparticles (NPs) have emerged as an effective means to deliver anticancer drugs into the brain. Among various forms of NPs, liposomal temozolomide (TMZ) is the drug-of-choice for the treatment and management of brain tumours, but its therapeutic benefit is suboptimal. Although many possible reasons may account for the compromised therapeutic efficacy, the inefficient tumour penetration of liposomal TMZ can be a vital obstacle. Recently, the protein corona, i.e., the layer of plasma proteins that surround NPs after exposure to human plasma, has emerged as an endogenous trigger that mostly controls their anticancer efficacy. Exposition of particular biomolecules from the corona referred to as protein corona fingerprints (PCFs) may facilitate interactions with specific receptors of target cells, thus, promoting efficient internalization. In this work, we have synthesized a set of four TMZ-encapsulating nanomedicines made of four cationic liposome (CL) formulations with systematic changes in lipid composition and physical−chemical properties. We have demonstrated that precoating liposomal TMZ with a protein corona made of human plasma proteins can increase drug penetration in a 3D brain cancer model derived from U87 human glioblastoma multiforme cell line leading to marked inhibition of tumour growth. On the other side, by fine-tuning corona composition we have also provided experimental evidence of a non-unique effect of the corona on the tumour growth for all the complexes investigated, thus, clarifying that certain PCFs (i.e., APO-B and APO-E) enable favoured interactions with specific receptors of brain cancer cells. Reported results open new perspectives into the development of corona-coated liposomal drugs with enhanced tumour penetration and antitumour efficacy
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